Medical Services

We offer a wide range of medical services. When necessary, we partner with Central Hospital for Veterinary Medicine to offer your pet the best in animal specialist care. We are available for consultations and for second opinions.


Surgical Services

At Veterinary Associates of Derby LLC, our focus is on patient safety, pain management, and employing the most current surgical procedures in order to give your pet the absolute best care. Dr. Schpero performs routine and specialized surgical procedures in a sterile surgical suite at Central Hospital for Veterinary Medicine, the 24-hour, state-of-the-art animal hospital in North Haven, CT. 

Prior to scheduling a procedure, Dr. Schpero will perform a thorough examination of your pet and complete any necessary pre-anesthesia testing. At this appointment, we make sure to answer all your questions and to put your concerns to rest. During a surgical procedure, our expert staff closely monitors the patient. Rest assured that we custom develop anesthesia and pain management protocols for each pet patient to ensure safety and comfort before, during, and after a surgery.

When it is time for your pet to go home, we review the post-surgical care plan with you, including any medications to manage any discomfort or pain. We welcome your questions after your pet returns home or at any other time during the postoperative period. Our goal is to help your pet recover quickly. In addition to the surgeries Dr. Schpero performs with his trained surgical technicians, Central Veterinary Hospital offers Board certified surgeons.

Call us at (203)734-2007 to schedule an appointment.